Stories from the Field

Fri, 03/14/2014

When your research project aims to have a real-world impact, you’ve got to work with real-world actors.  No, not the Hollywood kind.  I mean the citizens, professionals, and public officials that live, work, and play where the research is taking place. ...

Thu, 02/20/2014

Community members discuss climate adaptation options at the final workshop in December.[/caption] Our fall season of workshops wrapped up this past December. In total, over 500 people participated in workshops held in our four partner towns: Wells, Maine;...

Tue, 12/10/2013

I attended the final workshop in Wells.  Twenty-four people attended, and we had four full tables, each running a separate simulation.  In order to round out one of the groups, I got to participate, which was a lot of fun.

Having worked with the program “behind the scenes,” if you will,...

Thu, 11/21/2013

Recently, I got the chance to attend one of NECAP’s role-play simulation workshops in Kennebunkport, ME. This is the second workshop that I have attended since joining the project as an undergraduate intern in September, and both times I was able to play a character role in the games. At my...

Wed, 11/06/2013

Recently, I got the chance to attend one of NECAP’s role-play simulation workshops in Kennebunkport, ME. This is the second workshop that I have attended since joining the project as an undergraduate intern in September, and both times I was able to play a...

Fri, 11/01/2013

I’d been working on this project for a little over a month before I attended my first workshop. While I had a pretty good idea of what do expect, given that I’d gone through workshop materials and had done quite a bit of data entry, I still very much...

Wed, 10/23/2013

On October 23rd in Cranston, a diverse group of thirty-five people participated in the NECAP simulation. As residents of the fictional town of Milton, everyone engaged in an hour-long role-playing discussion, talking about the threats posed to “a town a lot like Cranston” due to climate change,...

Wed, 10/23/2013

A diverse group of thirty-five people participated in the NECAP simulation. As residents of the fictional town of Milton, everyone engaged in an hour-long role-playing discussion, talking about the threats posed to “a town a lot like Cranston” due to...

Sun, 10/13/2013

I’d been working on this project for a little over a month before I attended my first workshop. While I had a pretty good idea of what do expect, given that I’d gone through workshop materials and had done quite a bit of data entry, I still very much enjoyed the fresh experience. It was a lovely...

Tue, 10/01/2013

Last week, just days after the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, President Obama issued an Executive Order on climate change preparedness. The order recognizes that climate change is already impacting the...